XOR haunts again-Traboda-Cyrptography-CTF-Write-up

Aravind Rajesh
Jun 29, 2021


Looks like before Alice gave the key in wrong hands and someone misused it ;). This time the ciphertext is given to you and seems like the magic of XOR has been done on it again! Can you decrypt the given ciphertext and get the original message back?

The ciphertext has been encoded in one of the common encoding format.

Flag Format: inctfj{...}


Decrypt the given ciphertext using Hex-decoder.

hex-decoded output

Then, try XOr-bruteforcing on decoded string.. On searching through the output results we get the required flag…

Challenge flag: inctfj{et_tu_brute_U_got_it_rt}

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Aravind Rajesh

CSE undergrad. Learning web3 and Blockchain. Interested in both Development and Security.