Single byte X0r-Traboda-Cryptography-CTF-Write-up

Aravind Rajesh
Jun 29, 2021


Given a hex encoded string: 1314190e1c1001024a0825194e145d0e251849251f4e091316032518084a11491407

The above string has been Xored against a single character ‘z’. Decode it to a meaningful sentence and get the flag.

Flag Format: inctfj{...}

We are given a hex-encoded string, we can easily decoded it using an hex-decoder. On decoding, we will get ➡

On xor -ing output string with key z. we will get another hexadecimal string.

On decoding we will get our required flag…

Challenge flag: inctfj{x0r_c4n’t_b3_e4sily_br0k3n}

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Aravind Rajesh

CSE undergrad. Learning web3 and Blockchain. Interested in both Development and Security.