
Aravind Rajesh
Jun 29, 2021


Joan received a secret mail from her friend, upon looking into it, she found that it contains an encrypted text and sum of key and offset. She is clueless what to do. Help her get the message.

Flag Format: shaktictf{...}

challenge attachment

Analyzing the Challenge-title and description, we can understand that its related to Rail Fence Cipher.

Let’s try using Rail Fence cipher to decrypt the cipher text.

When the key becomes 5 and offset 6, we will get our flag..

Rail Fence cipher decoder

Challenge flag: shaktictf{Aw3s0m3_k33p_Go1n9!}

Traboda CyberLabs

About Traboda…

Traboda is an end-to-end cybersecurity learning platform which has more than 400+ CTF challenges spreading across various categories of Cybersecurity. Level up your skills through immersive, gamified and hands-on learning experience.



Aravind Rajesh

CSE undergrad. Learning web3 and Blockchain. Interested in both Development and Security.