Angry Steve -Traboda-Forensics-CTF-Write-up

Aravind Rajesh
Jun 29, 2021


Jimmy found out about an embarrassing picture of his dad Steve. He believes that there is a text inside that file somewhere. But he is too scared to open and tamper with it as his father is a very short tempered man. Help Jimmy out!

Flag format — inctfj{flag_here}

We are given a jpeg file. To extract hidden data, we can make use of strings command.

strings -print the sequences of printable characters in files

challenge jpeg file

Piping of grep command along with strings make our job much easier …

|grep — print lines that match patterns

command line

flag for challenge: inctfj{string5_m4keth_fl4gs}

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Traboda is an end-to-end cybersecurity learning platform which has more than 400+ CTF challenges spreading across various categories of Cybersecurity. Level up your skills through immersive, gamified and hands-on learning experience.



Aravind Rajesh

CSE undergrad. Learning web3 and Blockchain. Interested in both Development and Security.